Photo Credit: Wendy Greenslade & Locked In Photography
Meet Amber
My name is Amber Bytner Hogan and I am a Writer, Inner Empowerment Coach, Spiritual Awakening Mentor, Usui Reiki Master, Ordained Minister, and an Intuitive Empath Medium with an ever-growing list of (re-discovered) intuitive gifts like: Clairalience (clear smelling), Clairaudience (clear hearing), Claircongnizance (clear knowing), Clairgustance (clear tasting), Clairsentience (clear sensing/feeling), Clairtangency (the ability to sense information by touch) and Clairvoyance (clear seeing). (Everyone is intuitively gifted, but not everyone opens the package.) I empower others through Self-Awareness, Energy Work, Spirituality and Metaphysics.
I refer to myself as an Awareness Shifter. (Another name for "awareness" is "understanding" or "consciousness.") After having children and exiting the corporate world, I started to experience a Conscious, or Spiritual Awakening. Spiritual Awakening (also referred to as "Spiritual Ascension" or "Light Body Ascension") means waking up or evolving from your ego-self and getting into alignment with your higher self. Through the process our vibration (or frequency) also changes. At first, this was confusing. I had many random and unexplained medical symptoms that western medicine doctors and specialists could never explain. My Awakening pushed me to find my purpose and my true path through expanding my thinking, forcing me to explore different ways to “heal” myself, particularly finding ways to protect my own energy, raise my vibration, and dissolving emotional and family patterns, all while getting comfortable with my intuitive gifts (we were all born with intuition, by the way), and living my always developing six–sensory Life.
In the physical world, we are here to experience life lessons. We are here to navigate the human experience while expanding our spiritual awareness. Life is about evolving. We aren't meant to stay in situations that don't help us to grow mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Life lessons help us to advance our soul, however through our experiences, we find that we need healing in order to find our truth, understanding, as well as our authentic selves. We must continue to work on releasing ourselves of perfectionism, defensiveness, comparison, or any other part of of our shadow selves that appears to us on our journey. Along my Awakening Journey I discovered that part of my purpose is to help others to heal through my writings by showing them how to open their hearts and minds, to release negativity and fear, and to assist in discovering their higher purpose, with a little humor along the way. A mind open to alternative perceptions is a mind aligned with love. Another part of my purpose is to shift, or expand, people’s awareness when it comes to utilizing different metaphysical and holistic techniques and approaches so they can heal their mind, body and spirit. Inner empowerment allows us to transform, heal and to evolve.
I have had many different and amazing teachers and mentors based both here in the United States as well as in the UK. They each have helped me to grow into my authentic self by laying the foundational stones on my path toward awakening. With their help, I have let go of my doubts and resistance, and learned how to utilize different modalities. While no two “awakenings” are the same and while there is no one-size-fits-all path of healing and personal evolution, I am here to assist you and share some of the different tools, skills and techniques that have worked for me. Use me as a starting point and find and honor what fits for you, and discard what doesn’t. I don’t want to be your one and only mentor or Consciousness Shifter. Find as many as you need to get the wisdom you need to make yourself whole.
My writings and social media posts are intended to help people think, transform, heal and evolve. This may trigger some demons in you and that is okay. Sometimes you need to be shaken to be awaken. Those triggers are the places within yourself that you need to address and heal. It is without judgment that I share what I write and post. If you find yourself reading something and suddenly question: “Is that about me?” If that is the case, it probably is to some degree because there’s absolutely some kind of lesson in there for you. If what I write or talk about doesn’t resonate with you, then the information that I share perhaps is not meant for you, at least at this time, as we are only able to understand information which we are ready to receive.
The stories and topics that I share are as I see them, as I have lived and experienced them, and as they have happened to me. They are not intended to give you medical or legal advice, but to show you what has helped me along the way. My writings are also not intended to hurt anybody. I have done my best to protect the identity of the subjects in my writings.
I currently live in a suburb of Chicago with my husband and two children. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at if you’d like to connect about your journey.
You can also visit my website at: or either of my Blogs at: and
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